Friday, July 09, 2004

chad likes movies

yeah! what a grand year for the movies. last night i saw one of the funniest films i ever seen in my life, "anchorman". it was hilarious! such a great comedy film. wonderfully absurd, daft and rip-roaring at my sides with belly-aches. so happy it makes me, just thinking about it.

but wait- just a week or so ago i saw the "spider-man 2". ok, ok. yes i'm a hugh comic book nerd guy. hell, i studied the medium in college for chirst sakes. i am not ashamed. this was a great action/adventure flick that actually drew alot from the orginal stories from the comic book series. kudos, sam raimi.

but then there was "nepoleon dynomite", "dawn of the dead", "fahrenheit 9/11", "eternal sunshine of the spotless mind", the re-release of "monty python's life of brian" and of course the theaterical release of the honk kong world blockbuster, "shaolin soccer". oh! so happy to be a avid film going. "nepoleon dynomite" was a wonderful independent film with numberous remeberable scenes and lines that still make me giggle. the remake of "dawn of the dead" was as great as the original. a perfect zombie horror film. one that i thought wasn't going to be as good because the zombies can run- but surprise, surprise. "fahrenheit 9/11" was relevent and poinet, with a good anti-bush push. "eternal sunshine..." was another in the charlie kauffman classic films with original and amazing concepts and storylines. just brillant and super keen. "shoalin soccer"? well, it was great, absurd fun. i'm a sucker for those martial arts flicks and godzilla movies.

but hey kids, judge for yourselves. if you haven't seen any of these gems, then check them out. if they make you laugh, mad, or whatever, at least they just didn't make you ...blank.


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